Alcoholism (Short Form) (SMAST) Assessment

Do You Think You Have An Alcohol Addiction?

So, do you think that you healthily consume alcohol or you might have an addiction? You must know what alcohol addiction is how to control it. Alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism or alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a chronic and relapsing condition characterized by an inability to control or stop drinking despite negative consequences.
People with alcohol addiction may have a strong craving for alcohol, struggle to limit their drinking, and continue to drink even when it causes problems in their relationships, work, or health.
Alcohol addiction can have serious physical, psychological, and social effects. It can lead to health problems such as liver disease, heart disease, and neurological disorders. It can also contribute to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, as well as difficulties in personal and professional life.
Take our assessment and find out if you have an alcohol addiction or not. This assessment is based on the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (SMAST). Don’t worry, your data will not be shared with anyone. 

What Are The Most Concerning Signs Of Alcohol Addiction?

Here are the most dangerous signs of alcohol addiction:

  • Craving: A strong desire or urge to drink alcohol.
  • Loss Of Control: Inability to limit alcohol consumption or stop drinking once started.
  • Physical Dependence: Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking, such as tremors, nausea, sweating, or anxiety.
  • Tolerance: Needing to drink more alcohol to achieve the same effects as before.
  • Neglecting Responsibilities: Prioritizing drinking over obligations at work, school, or home.
  • Continued Use Despite Negative Consequences: Drinking despite knowing it’s causing physical, mental, or interpersonal problems.
  • Increased Time Spent Drinking: Spending a lot of time obtaining, using, or recovering from the effects of alcohol.
  • Loss Of Interest: Decreased interest in activities that were once important or enjoyable.
  • Drinking In Risky Situations: Drinking in situations where it’s physically dangerous, such as while driving.
  • Changes In Behavior: Mood swings, irritability, secrecy, or avoiding social interactions.


Question: What Is The Most Commonly Used Assessment For Alcohol Use?

The AUDIT-C Score and MAST Assessment are both used widely for screening Alcohol Usage.

Question: How Does SMAST Scoring Work?

Each response is awarded a point, and at the end of the questionnaire you tally the accumulated points.

Question: What Should I Do After Taking A SMAST Assessment? 

If you are on the safe side (0-3) then there is nothing to worry about. However, if your score is above 5 then you should seek the help of a medical professional immediately.

Question: What Are The Methods Of Assessment For Assessing Intoxication?

Recognizing these signs and symptoms can help assess the patient’s level of intoxication:

  • Incoordination 
  • Slurred Speech
  • Unsteady Gait 
  • Stupor or Coma

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