Credit Card Calculators

Do you know how long it will take to pay off your credit card making just minimum payments each month and how much interest you are paying? Most people don’t think about it, and it’s shocking! Use the calculators in this group to find out, then compare that to how long it will take to pay off that balance if you pay an equal amount each month. Find out your loan to balance ratio, or how much to pay or add each month to pay your credit card by a certain time, and MORE!

CC Minimum Payment (2006 Rules)


How long will it take to pay off my credit card balance if I make only minimum payments?

CC Equal Payment


How long will it take to pay off my credit card balance if I pay the same amount each month?

CC Minimum Plus by Payoff Time


How much over the minimum should I pay each month to pay off my credit card balance in a certain amount of time?

CC Equal Payment by Payoff Time


How much should I pay each month if I want to pay off my credit card balance in a certain amount of time?

CC Balance-to-Limit Ratio


How much of my credit card limit am I using?

Daily Periodic Rate


How much interest am I paying each day on my credit card balance?

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