Emotionally or Verbally Abused
Read each question carefully and completely. Take as much time as you need to reflect on each question. This tool is of no help to you if you refuse to answer each question honestly. Answers are completely confidential. No personal information is requested and your answers are not saved. Remember, if you cheat, you're only cheating yourself.
Thinking of your partner, parent, or child that may be emotionally or verbally abusive toward you, ask yourself the following questions about the relative's behavior.
1. Do they threaten or intimidate to get you to comply?
2. Do they destroy or threaten to destroy your personal property and possessions?
3. Are they violent toward a pet or an object (a wall, furniture, etc.)?
4. Do they yell or scream?
5. Do they call you names?
6. Do you feel constantly harassed by them?
7. Do they embarrass you, make fun of you, or mock you, either alone, in public, or in front of family or friends?
8. Do they criticize or minimize your goals and accomplishments?
9. Is it obvious they do not trust your decision-making?
10. Do they tell you that you are worthless without him or her?
11. Are they overly possessive to the point of isolating you from friends and family?
12. Do they often check up on you to make sure you are home or where you said you would be?
13. Do they say hurtful things while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, then blame the drugs or alcohol for saying them?
14. Do they blame you for how he or she acts or feels?
15. Do they abandon you after a fight or make you stay after a fight in order to "teach you a lesson"?
16. Do they make you feel there is no way out of the relationship?

Total 'Yes' (out of 16 possible)

All calculators are made available as self-help tools for your independent use with results based on information provided by the user. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only. Calculated results are believed to be accurate but results are not guaranteed. Health and Parenting Assessments address subjects that may be of interest to the general public. These assesments should be used for education about medical conditions only and are not for providing medical diagnosis. Only a health care professional can diagnose and recommend treatment. Users are advised to promptly check with a physician if a medical condition exists or is suspected.
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