Does your child or someone you know tend to ... |
1. |
be overly concerned with body appearance or weight? |
2. |
be moody and irritable? |
3. |
have anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts? |
4. |
have anxiety around meal times? |
5. |
feel guilt or dislike themselves? |
6. |
diet frequently or often make excuses not to eat? |
7. |
have problems with overeating? |
8. |
have obsessive behaviors with food, such as only drinking from a certain cup or eating certain foods only on certain days of the week? |
9. |
wear baggy clothes, layer their clothes, or their clothing style has changed? |
10. |
hoard food? |
11. |
spend time in the bathroom after meals? |
12. |
be socially withdrawn or isolated? |
13. |
avoid social situations where food is available? |
14. |
have given up or lost interest in some former hobbies? |
15. |
have had dramatic weight loss or rapid fluctuations in weight? |
16. |
be dehydrated (evident in thinning hair, sallow skin, and dry, brittle nails)? |
17. |
have edema where the body retains water or fluid, making it look puffy? |
18. |
have irregular or stopped menstrual periods? |
19. |
experience slowed metabolism (which causes slower heart rate, low blood pressure, lower body temperature, feels cold often, bluish-colored fingers, toes, hands, or feet)? |
20. |
develop hypoglycemia or low blood sugar (which causes confusion, illogical thinking, coma, shakiness, and irritability)? |
21. |
sometimes feel faint, dizzy, or fatigued? |
22. |
have trouble with concentration, memory, and thinking ability? |
23. |
have frequent constipation, diarrhea, cramps, or other bowel problems? |
24. |
often have a sore throat, indigestion, and heartburn? |
25. |
bruise easily? |
Total 'Yes' |
(out of 25 possible) |
Interpretation |