Calories per Day Calculator
Recommended Calorie
Daily Calorie Intake   calories

Fat 15% - 25% 300 - 525 calories
Protein 15% - 25% 150 - 525 calories
Total Carbohydrates 50% - 70% 675 - 975 calories
Fiber     30 grams
Sugars     < 25% < 375 calories

All calculators are made available as self-help tools for your independent use with results based on information provided by the user. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only. Calculated results are believed to be accurate but results are not guaranteed. Exercise, Fitness, Health, and Weight Loss calculators are not for providing medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a medical professional. Users are advised to check with a physician before undertaking any strenuous exercise or diet plan.
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Select your gender.
Your current age.
The number of calories you consume daily. This could be the actual number of calories you get now or the the number you are trying to eat each day.
The recommended percentage of calories from fat. Also shown is the number of calories you should get from fat each day (based on the given 'Daily Calorie Intake').
The recommended percentage of calories from protein. Also shown is the number of calories you should get from protein each day (based on the given 'Daily Calorie Intake').
The recommended percentage of calories from all carbohydrates (including fiber and sugars, even though they are shown separately, since they are carbohydrates). Also shown is the number of calories you should get from carbohydrates each day (based on the given 'Daily Calorie Intake').
Your recommended grams of fiber, based on gender and age.
The maximum recommended percentage of calories from sugars. Also shown is the maximum number of calories you should get from sugars each day (based on the given 'Daily Calorie Intake'). Your sugar calories must also be counted in the 'Total Carbohydrates' calories since sugars are carbohydrates.