Along with bingeing and purging at least twice a week for 3 month or more, does your child or someone you know tend to ... |
1. |
eat an unusually large amount of food with no weight gain? |
2. |
believe the minimum weight recommended for someone their age and height is too high for them? |
3. |
base their self-worth on weight and body image? |
4. |
be secretive about eating and for a time after eating? |
5. |
spend time in the bathroom after meals? |
6. |
vomit frequently or are there often smells of vomit? |
7. |
regularly use laxatives, diuretics, or enemas? |
8. |
go to the kitchen (to binge) after everyone else has gone to bed? |
9. |
go on unplanned walks or drives at night? |
10. |
have an excessive desire for privacy in their bedroom or the bathroom? |
11. |
avoid eating with others or take very small portions when eating with others? |
12. |
suddenly change the foods they like and dislike? |
13. |
regularly skip meals? |
14. |
drink a lot of water and/or diet soda (to make vomiting easier)? |
15. |
cut their food into very small bites? |
16. |
chew their food excessively? |
17. |
separate different types of food on their plate? |
18. |
create strange food combinations? |
19. |
be obsessed with exercise (for example, they always want to exercise after eating)? |
20. |
use mints or gum often (to cover up vomit smells on their breath)? |
21. |
run water constantly while in the bathroom (to cover vomiting sounds)? |
22. |
be preoccupied with weight, weight loss, and dieting? |
23. |
wear baggy clothes or layer clothes (to hide their body)? |
24. |
avoid looking in mirrors? |
25. |
have calloused finger joints and/or backs of the hands (from jamming the fingers down the throat to induce vomiting)? |
26. |
have discolored or decalcified teeth? |
27. |
have sensitive, swollen, or bleeding cheeks and gums (caused by vitamin deficiencies and stomach acids coming up the throat)? |
28. |
have frequent stomach pains, constipation, diarrhea, or other intestinal problems? |
29. |
have irregular or stopped menstrual periods? |
Total 'Yes' |
(out of 29 possible) |
Interpretation |