Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Read each question carefully and completely. Take as much time as you need to reflect on each question. This tool is of no help to you if you refuse to answer each question honestly. Answers are completely confidential. No personal information is requested and your answers are not saved. Remember, if you cheat, you're only cheating yourself.
Because all children behave these ways at times, only answer 'Yes' if your child has had the symptom often and consistently for at least 6 months, it started before the age of 7, he/she behaves this way both at home and elsewhere (school, church, etc.), it affects the child's ability to function normally, and the child does not have another disorder that may cause the symptom (autism, depression, personality disorder, etc.).
Symptoms of Inattention Type ADHD
1. Does your child make careless mistakes with schoolwork or other activities or fail to pay close attention to details?
2. Does your child have difficulty sustaining attention during tasks or while playing?
3. Does your child seem to not listen even when you speak directly to them?
4. Does your child fail to finish schoolwork or chores, or fail to follow through when given instructions?
5. Does your child have difficulty organizing tasks or activities?
6. Does your child dislike or avoid doing tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as homework)?
7. Does your child lose things that are needed for their tasks or activities (school assignment, homework, pencils, books, tools, toys)?
8. Is your child easily distracted?
9. Is your child forgetful about their daily activities or responsibilities?
Symptoms of Hyperactive/Impulsive Type ADHD
10. Does your child usually squirm when sitting or fidget with their hands or feet?
11. Does your child get up in situations where staying seated is expected (school, church, movies, etc.)?
12. Does your child run around or climb at inappropriate places?
13. Is your child unable to play quietly?
14. Is your child always 'on the go' or does he/she never seem to sit still?
15. Does your child talk too much?
16. Does your child usually blurt out answers before the question has been completed?
17. Does your child have trouble waiting his/her turn?
18. Does your child interrupt conversations or butt into games?

Total 'Yes' (out of 18 possible)

All calculators are made available as self-help tools for your independent use with results based on information provided by the user. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only. Calculated results are believed to be accurate but results are not guaranteed. Health and Parenting Assessments address subjects that may be of interest to the general public. These assesments should be used for education about medical conditions only and are not for providing medical diagnosis. Only a health care professional can diagnose and recommend treatment. Users are advised to promptly check with a physician if a medical condition exists or is suspected.
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