Do you do things sometimes that you regret almost immediately, yet find yourself doing it over and over again, each time promising yourself ‘never again’? Are these behavior cycles simply the result of bad habits, or are they symptoms of addiction or a behavior disorder that may need professional treatment to overcome? Maybe you, or someone you love, struggles with alcohol or drug use, gambling or shopping until no more credit can be extended, or the internet or cell phone seems to cause great anxiety when taken away. Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are also related to behavior health. Answer these Yes/No questions to help you learn the warning signs and symptoms of a number of behavior health issues and help you figure out if you or someone you love is suffering from them.
Alcoholism (Short Form) (SMAST)
Is my drinking normal or do I potentially have a problem with alcohol?
Alcoholism (MAST)
Is my drinking normal or am I at risk of alcoholism?
Drug Abuse (DAST)
Does my drug use put me at risk for a drug abuse problem?
Drug Addiction
When is drug abuse actually a drug addiction?
Internet Addict
Am I addicted to the internet?
Mobile Addiction – Cell Phone Addict
Am I addicted to my cell phone?
Compulsive Gambler
Am I a compulsive gambler?
Compulsive Shopper
Am I a compulsive shopper?
General Addiction Symptoms
Could I be addicted to some substance or behavior?
Ready to Lose Weight
Am I ready to lose weight successfully?
Diet Plan
Does the diet plan I’m considering actually have a good chance of helping me lose weight?
Food Craving Or Hunger
How can I tell if I, my child, or someone I know might have anorexia?
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have bulimia?
Binge Eating
How can I tell if I or my child might be a binge eater?
Eating Disorder
How can I tell if my child or someone I know might have an eating disorder?
Eating Disorder Contributor
Am I contributing to my child’s risk of developing an eating disorder?
Healthy Body Image
Do I have a healthy view of my body?